Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Indoor Climbing - Round 2

Well, round two is complete with the teams having had a crack indoor rockclimbing at the Hardrock Climbing Company in Nunawading last week...

Given that two of us are scared of heights, the initial sight of those huge walls was quite daunting, however after a 15 minute lesson on safety and belaying, we were harnessed up and ready to go.... Not forgetting that we had the additional equipment provided by Meaghan, matching wrist sweatbands. (actully to be fair, we were too embarassed to wear them but we do have them!)

We started on a relatively easy wall with a pretty easy run straight up with no overhang. Having said this, Adam and Meaghan went straight to the top while Jen freaked out half way up (after looking down) and decided to come back down....

We moved on to different walls, Adam and Meaghan excelling at each one - previous skills, experience and strength really showed. They even managed to actually stick to the colours they started on at the bottom! Both did really well and actually looked cool doing it which is quite difficult in this particular event!

Stephen made it up a high wall with quite a bit of overhang and overcame his fear of heights to touch the roof. He not only managed to overcome this fear but this in addition to having the world clumsiest and slow reflexed person as a belayer! His giant leap of faith to a green fixture was mighty impressive too (needless to say - it was not Jen belaying for him at this particular moment!)

We all had a crack at the crack - which ran up a lower wall in the second room. We all avoided using the climbing fixtures/handholds and managed to get about 1 whole metre off the ground, with the exception of Adam who may have hit the 1.5m mark. Very impressive. he he.

All in all a great day and another great round....

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